Whether your employees are returning to the workplace or working from home for the longterm, our wellbeing courses provide training on Covid-19-secure practices that give your team reassurance and support.

These bitesize modules can be completed independently or as part of a package tailored to company requirements.

Take a look at our range of wellbeing courses below that take between five to 25 minutes to complete and can be delivered through online, in-person or blended teaching methods.

Coronavirus Course Essential - Coronavirus

We’ll take a closer look at the impact of coronavirus and its effects on our working lives. This module will go beyond the headlines to discuss how we can best protect ourselves and others.

Perfect For Workplace leaders and employees

Course Duration  15 Minutes

Delivery Mode  Online/Blended/Classroom

Coronavirus Course Essential - Returning To Work

If your team has concerns about returning to the workplace after time spent on furlough or working from home, this short module should help to put their minds at ease.

This course includes information on how to settle back into the working routine and provides a list of resources for learners to explore in their own time.

Perfect For Workplace leaders and employees

Course Duration  10 Minutes

Delivery Mode  Online/Blended/Classroom

Work, Life, Home Balance

Even when we’re not working, many of us are still ‘at work’ mentally. In this course, we’ll assess learners’ ability to maintain a work/life balance while they’re working from home.

We’ll offer guidance on drawing boundaries between work life and home life.

Perfect For Remote working leaders and employees

Course Duration  10 Minutes

Delivery Mode  Online/Blended/Classroom

Introduction To Mindfulness

Mental resilience Michael Matania of Tough Cookie introduces the concept of ‘mixed mental arts.’ He explains the power of mind over the body and harnessing your brainpower to stay calm under pressure.

Perfect For Remote working leaders and employees

Course Duration  10 Minutes

Delivery Mode  Online/Blended/Classroom

Dealing With Stress

In this module, we look at the challenges of working from home.

We’ll assess the impact of remote working on personal wellbeing, and what you can do to minimise stress levels.

Perfect For Remote working leaders and employees

Course Duration  15 Minutes

Delivery Mode  Online/Blended/Classroom

Taking Care Of Yourself

Every member of your team should take care of their personal wellbeing.

We’ll discuss the emotional responses to stress and ways to ‘exercise’ the brain to remain mentally fit and healthy.

Perfect For Remote working leaders and employees

Course Duration  15 Minutes

Delivery Mode  Online/Blended/Classroom


A follow-up to the Taking Care of Yourself module, the Relaxation short course takes a closer look at emotional wellbeing.

Mental resilience expert Michael Mantania of Tough Cookie discusses stress, relaxation, meditation and ‘deep rest.’

Perfect For Remote working leaders and employees

Course Duration  10 Minutes

Delivery Mode  Online/Blended/Classroom

The Mindset And Attitude Toolkit

This module provides practical activities that enhance your team’s mindset and attitude. They’ll learn how to increase their awareness and challenge negative thinking patterns.

Employees can try out activities at their own pace and revisit them whenever they need to.

Perfect For Workplace leaders and employees

Course Duration  15 Minutes

Delivery Mode  Online/Blended/Classroom

Healthy Lifestyles

A healthy lifestyle can significantly benefit our physical and mental wellbeing. Many of us are not as healthy as we’d like to be because of busy working schedules and sedentary lifestyles.

The Healthy Lifestyles module explains the benefits of physical activity and a balanced diet.

Perfect For Employees

Course Duration  15 Minutes

Delivery Mode  Online/Blended/Classroom

Mental Health Awareness

Mental health issues are increasingly prevalent amongst the workforce. Our Mental Health Awareness e-learning module examines common types of mental illnesses and the symptoms of psychosis.

We’ll then review available treatments, including talking therapies.

Perfect For Employees

Course Duration  20 Minutes

Delivery Mode  Online/Blended/Classroom

Get in Touch

Interested in our wellbeing courses? Get in touch to discuss how they could benefit you and your employees.

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